Youth Flag Football Tutorial | Proper Flag Pulling Techniques for Beginners | Pull More Flags
Use this quick tutorial to teach / coach proper flag pulling techniques to pull more flags and shut down the offense.
Hi everyone, this is Coach D and Noah, my son. Today we're going to talk about proper flag pulling technique. You ready, bud?
All right, so there's a couple of key principles to any flag pulling technique, and let's start with number one. First thing, Noah, we want to get big. Show me—how do we get big?
Yup. What Noah's doing now is he's breaking down, he's getting big, he's got his legs wide open, he's got his knees bent, he's got his hands out so that he can go either way.
Number two is shuffling. How do I shuffle? Nice. Now, you notice that Noah is not crossing his legs; he's not running one way or the other. How do I get it? Yep, he's shuffling from one side to the other. The reason he's doing that is because he wants to square up with the running back or that wide receiver.
So Noah, what does it mean to square up with someone?
Okay, it means to get big.
That's right. It means to get in front of them, so that leads us to number three. Number three is where do you want to watch? Do you want to watch my head, my feet? Oh, you want to watch the ball. But what do I want to watch?
Belly button! I want to watch right here on Noah as he's running with the ball. And why do you think I want to do that, Noah?
So I can get the flag, so that I stay right in front of you. So as you're running toward me, I want to make sure that I stay in front of you. So if you juke that way, try to run that way, I stay right in front of you no matter what, okay?
So that's number three. And number four, our favorite, Noah, is pulling the flag at the handle. And what we usually do, Noah, is we actually try to pull both flags at once. So Noah, if you are trying to get my flags and I'm going this way, that way, how do you get both? Yes.
That's right. And pull down, that's right. That's right, no matter what I do, no matter what I do. Awesome.
So what Noah's doing is he's trying to stay right in front of me, he's squaring up, so he's watching my hips, he's watching my belly, and then he is pulling at the handle. Because if you're pulling at the handle, then no matter if I'm juking left or right, if you have a hold on this handle, it's coming out.
Hold on deep. Yeah, go slip like this.
That's right, it usually slips off just like that. So we don't want to do that; we want to make sure that we're grabbing it up here. So if you guys do that, here's a nice quick little drill called the gauntlet to help you guys put it into practice. Let's do it, Noah.
Most people know what the gauntlet is, but I've made a nice little square here, a nice little box. I put my defender right in the middle, and then I line up my running backs and they just come on through. Yo, why don't you try to get on through? No, you're good. You're good, bud. Why don't you be my running back, and you try to run on through? You stand all the way back there. Yep. Here we go. Nope, you're just going to run right through. Ready, go.
So what I'm doing is I'm making sure I stay in front of him. Noah, let's see you do it with me. We'll just leave that right there. Here we go.
You see that? He didn't stay in front of me, and he tried to grab right down here. So what we want to do is grab here at the handle. So finally, our last little bit to recap: Number one, we want to get big. Show me how to get big and face that way. Let's show them how to do it. We're gonna get big, and then we can shuffle. Number two, shuffle side to side, and keep our eyes on the belly button and the hips, right? So that we can always stay right in front of them, right, no matter where they are. And then finally, where do we want to grab the flag?
By the handle. And if we can do both at the same time, that's best. Guys, we hope you have a great season. Go ahead and get some this season. This is Coach D and Noah. If you like what you see, please subscribe, like, comment, and share. We'll see you in the next video. Take care. Let's do it, bud. Please, yeah, let's do it.